So, for those who don’t know me, my name is Ben Brindley. I’m a joiner, but I’ve not always considered myself to be one. At the start, back in 2004 my joinery workshop was a very basic and bare bones setup. If you read my previous blog, ‘Contemplating the future‘ you will find out more about this.
Over the years as I have learnt my trade through experience, learning from others and gaining confidence in myself. My first name, ‘Brindley Garden Products’, has become less and less relevant to the work that I am carrying out. Even customers, friends and family have brought this up and said that the name isn’t fitting to the types of joinery work I am now becoming known for.
I needed to venture outside my comfort zone. At the beginning of 2020 I was considering a name change, but the global pandemic gave me the fear of a lost customer base and the chances that a change of identity could magnify this further!
After a few discussions with customers I decided that it was more detrimental than beneficial. After years of procrastinating, I finally stopped on the name ‘Brindley Timberworks’. Gary from Profound 4 Design was commissioned to create the new logo, setting the ball rolling for a new chapter in my woodworking career and my life.
I am both nervous and excited by the change. But I truly feel that this is the natural progression in a career that I want to pursue until I retire in another 25 to 30 years.